

旅居加拿大。每天都在忙于完善和成长,让自己时刻充满快乐和愉悦!营销者,设计者,管理者,画者,开拓者..... QQ:349517219 微信:aimei349517219 电话:13906393613  



【歌曲欣赏】CHINA GIRL--糖果盒子



Let’s hold my breath

I am drowning in my dread

the wind is getting strong

the wind is getting stronger

There’s no second chance

when the devils make you dance

the sky is getting dark

the sky is getting dark

Can’t you see can’t you see

we were never meant to be

it’s no secret

that I’m your china girl

Don’t you know don’t you know

that it’s time for me to go

it’s no secret

that I’m your china girl

No turning back no questions left to ask

the tide is getting high

the tide is getting higher

I’m not afraid I decided on this fate

it’s time to face the storm

it’s time to face the storm

Can’t you see can’t you see

we were never meant to be

it’s no secret that I’m your china girl

Don’t you know don’t you know

that it’s time for me to go

it’s no secret that I’m your china girl

You lose your love and right now my storm’ll never go

but I wont hide the face of mine

Let’s hold my breath

I am drowning in my dread

the wind is getting strong

the wind is getting stronger

There’s no second chance,

when the devils make you dance

the sky is getting dark

the sky is getting dark

Can’t you see can’t you see

we were never meant to be

it’s no secret

that I’m your china girl

Don’t you know don’t you know

that it’s time for me to go

It’s no secret

that I’m your china girl

Can’t you see can’t you see

we were never meant to be

It’s no secret

that I’m your china girl

Don’t you know don’t you know

that it’s time for me to go

It’s no secret

that I’m your china girl

请欣赏糖果盒子演唱的CHINA GIRL

Sweetbox成立于1995年。最先由Tina Harris担任主唱。95年推出首只单曲《Booyah Here We Go》,隔年发行第二张单曲《Shakalaka》,在纽约的舞曲榜3周冠军。97年一首取样自巴哈名曲《G弦之歌》的《Everything’s Gonna Be Alright》传唱全球,在英国、全欧洲日本与美国告示牌都登上销售排行。不仅如此,Sweetbox还赢得了日本葛莱美点播榜Top10中停留了8周之久。如此耀眼的成绩,让Sweetbox的专辑被全球47个国家发行,一共创下了3千万张的绝佳销售。

  1998年Tina离开,Sweetbox短暂告别歌坛。1999当Geo(制作人)在一次偶然的机会下碰到了Jade Villalon(现任主唱),不论是Jade的歌声、音乐内涵、才华或是亲和迷人的个性,都令Geo意识到这就是他寻觅以久的Sweetbox的新主人,几周之后,Sweetbox就此重生,才华洋溢的Jade带着新的Sweetbox再次惊艳世界。
由德国天王级制作人Geo(Ace Of Base、Bananarama、Mezzoforte等组合的幕后制作人)先后与才华女歌手Tina Harris与Jade Villalon组成的这支合唱团自欧洲古典音乐大国德国起航不久便红遍欧洲舞池,个性鲜明的风格使他们的唱片一时成为舞曲文化的新时尚。

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