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优莎纳6270万美金买葆婴 曲线获得直销牌照

http://www.dsblog.net 2010-08-18 11:03:11





这家总部位于北京的葆婴有限公司由美国企业家Matthew Estes成立于1999年,目前在中国的21个城市运作。公司设有服务中心,婴儿的父母可以在那里参加一些课程以及购买营养补充品,同时也可以作为直销经营基地。







SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- USANA Health Sciences Inc., which makes nutritional and weight-management products, said Monday that it has acquired BabyCare Ltd., a China-based company that develops and sells infant formula and other nutritional products.

USANA purchased BabyCare for approximately $62.7 million, including $45 million in cash and 400,000 shares of USANA stock, which closed Monday at $44.29.

Beijing-based BabyCare, which was founded in 1999 by American entrepreneur Matthew Estes, has operations in 21 cities. The company has service centers -- where families can attend classes and buy nutritional supplements -- as well as a commission-based direct-sales force.

USANA CEO Dave Wentz said BabyCare will give his company valuable knowledge and direct-sales capability as it enters China's enormous market.

USANA plans to let BabyCare continue operating as a stand-alone company for 18 to 24 months. Eventually, USANA wants to establish and grow its own brand in China, Wentz said.

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  • 第3楼, 合并是时尚 2010-08-25 16:20:15   投诉 支持(600)
  • 第2楼, 三楼的 2010-08-23 00:29:06   投诉 支持(580)
    三楼的 保婴公司申请直证好久了 !至于并购事件 国家没有明细制度给予完善!···
  • 第1楼, 2010-08-20 14:46:35   投诉 支持(594)
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